Upon intake, each resident will be assigned a Case Manager or Social Worker that will oversee their treatment while in care. This includes schooling, mental health services, medication management, independent living skills, and establishing medical care.
Case Management
Our Case Managers and Social Workers work closely with the rest of the resident's treatment team to ensure that the youth receive the services and resources necessary to meet their individual care needs. They will schedule team meetings, write service plans, guide treatment, attend court and other appointments with assigned youth.
Team Meetings
Monthly meetings will take place for each resident to share progress and discuss concerns. These meetings will involve the residents team. The team will be determined upon intake and members may be added at any time. Possible team members may include parent, guardian, placing agency representative, probation, treatment providers, CASA and school staff.
Schooling Options
The public-school setting is available as well as an option to complete pubic school at the residence through online learning. Decisions for school placement will be made with parent, guardian, and placing agency. Determining risks and needs will be part of the decision process.
Mental Health Services & Medication Management
Southeast Idaho has many resources available for youth. We work closely with service providers to ensure the youth's mental health needs are being met. We continue to reevaluate the needs of the youth monthly in order to adapt to their needs as they change.
Independent Living
East Idaho Youth Homes maintains a working relationship with an organization that provides independent living classes for our youth. These classes take place once weekly. These classes prepare the youth to function independently throughout their lives.
Medical Care
The medical needs of the youth are met through establishing primary care physicians, routine dental exams, and annual vision screenings within the community. All of these services are scheduled within the first seven days of intake.